Lapis Manalis

Lapis Manalis

Level 90, ilvl 590


Garlemald (X:30.8, Y:35.8)

King of the Mountain

Your quest to find Vrtra's brood-sister Azdaja leads you to Garlemald, where you believe she may have passed through a voidgate. Increased sightings of voidsent in the area lend further credence to your suspicions. In the hopes of narrowing your search for the alleged gate, Alphinaud tells you of an abandoned village in the mountains to the east where Garleans once practiced the reaper arts. But is a portal the only thing you may chance to find there in the heart of the mountain?  



During the encounter, there are several abilities that the boss will use. "Call of the Mountain" is signaled by the screen shaking and a system message appearing. This ability involves a herd of animals charging through the room, hitting a third of the arena with a line AoE. Those hit will suffer from "Concussion" and receive damage over time. "Albion's Embrace" is a tankbuster attack that is telegraphed. "Left Slam / Right Slam" is a half-room cleave attack that hits either the left or right side of the boss's hitbox, indicated by a brief AoE indicator. "Knock on Ice" summons three chunks of ice, indicated by red AoEs. "Icebreaker" involves the boss tethering and targeting one ice chunk with an orange reticle, then using a large circular AoE that destroys the rock. "Icy Throes" does not have a cast bar but marks the party with an AoE telegraph, signaling the need to spread out. Two additional ice chunks will also spawn. "Roar of Albion" is a roomwide AoE that can be avoided by hiding behind one of the ice chunks.

Galatea Magna

During the Waxing Cycle, the boss will use a large point-blank AoE, followed by a donut AoE that hits the previously safe area and inflicts Sustained Damage on anyone hit. In the Waning Cycle, the boss will use a large donut AoE, again followed by a donut AoE that hits the previously safe area. The boss will also perform Soul Scythe by facing a random cardinal, jumping to it, and performing a large circular AoE. Soul Nebula causes unavoidable roomwide damage and spawns two portals to the boss's east and west, followed by Scarecrow Chase. The portals indicate the order in which the boss will teleport and use a cross AoE that hits the intercardinals. Anyone hit will be inflicted with Doom, which must be cleansed with Esuna to prevent death. Tenebrism gives everyone the Glassy-eyed debuff, and players must soak four meteor circles to prevent them from exploding. Gaze indicators will appear when soaking the last tower, and players must look away from each other to avoid Petrification. In version 2 of Soul Nebula/Scarecrow Chase, the boss starts on the edge of the arena and summons four portals. It is worth noting that the boss's defeat dialogue will vary based on the party's kill time, but it does not affect rewards. Zero, if present as a Duty Support NPC, will also have unique dialogue upon the boss's defeat.

Drowned King: Cagnazzo

During the battle with Cagnazzo, players will encounter an area of effect (AoE) that surrounds the arena, causing damage-over-time and applying the Dropsy debuff to anyone who steps into it. This debuff is associated with various attacks and mechanics that players need to be aware of. The boss will unleash the Stygian Deluge, an unavoidable party-wide damage. The Antediluvian attack spawns sets of bubbles across the arena that grow in size and eventually drop down as large circular AoEs. The boss will also use Body Slam, a knockback AoE that cannot be prevented with knockback immune actions. Hydraulic Ram is another attack where the boss telegraphs line charge and circle AoEs in a sequential order. Hydrofall is a stack AoE that is telegraphed to the players. The boss assigns debuffs to players during the Cursed Tide phase and becomes untargetable. When these debuffs expire, players will be hit by Neap Tide (a point-blank AoE) or Spring Tide (a stack AoE). The boss will also spawn immobile Fearsome Flotsam that must be defeated before Cagnazzo's Power reaches 100, or the party will wipe. The debuffs on the party will resolve, but they will be telegraphed with standard AoE indicators before they take effect. Telegraphed circular AoEs will also spawn during this phase. Tsunami is a party-wide damage attack that occurs after the add phase and players need to focus on healing and mitigating the damage. Voidcleaver involves the spawning of four portals, each tethering to a player and periodically spawning telegraphed conal AoEs in the direction of the tethered player. Lifescleaver consists of multiple telegraphed conal AoEs originating from the boss. Finally, Void Torrent is a line AoE tankbuster that players need to be prepared for.
